NBW Retreats

To attend a NBW retreat you are required to have taken our Introduction Session for beginners and newcomers and attended at least a couple of the regular Community Sessions. For details and bookings contact us at retreats@newbuddhaway.org

Next Residential 48 Hour Retreat

Details to follow

This is a 48-hour residential with full board. NBW Retreats are non-profit as NBW does not charge for the retreat but the retreat centre does. The cost for the weekend is £170 per person. Some concessions available, please get in touch at retreats@newbuddhaway.org

The accommodation is en-suite, basic, clean and comfortable. Vegetarian meals are provided. Vegan meals are available on request. Please inform us with your booking if you have any specific dietary requirements (vegan / allergies / gluten-free / plant or soya milk).

There are silent meditation sessions (the longest being 60 minutes), walking and standing meditation, mettā bhavana practice, free time for contemplation in peaceful surroundings along with the gardens and two Dharma discussions.

For these retreats the Centre does not accept bookings for a part of a retreat. 
You can inquire about availability and/or book now by contacting us at retreats@newbuddhaway.org

Payment Options

  • Bank transfer
    New Buddha Way
    Lloyds Bank
    Sort code: 30-19-22
    Account No: 13613160
    Reference: ‘Retreat’+ Surname
  • Other payment options are available if needed. Please ask when booking
  • Cheque
    Made payable to ‘New Buddha Way’
    Send to: New Buddha Way, c/o The Maybury Centre, Board School Rd, Woking, Surrey, GU21 5HD, UK OR give it to any trustee at any NBW Event
  • Cash
    Give it to any trustee at any NBW Event.
    Receipts can be provided on request
Information & Booking Form

Next Day Retreat

Details to follow